You’re Not Just “Growing Old” If This Happens To You
Of course, peoples’ bodies do change as they get on in years. But this is a gradual process. If you suddenly find your thinking is cloudy and your memory unreliable, if you’re overcome by dizziness and your balance is out of whack, if you find yourself tossing and turning at night and running urgently to the bathroom, don’t chalk it up to normal aging. (Judith Graham/Kaiser Health News)

Doctors And Hospitals Say, “Show Me The Money” Before Treating Patients
At many doctors’ offices and hospitals, a routine part of doing business these days is estimating patients’ out-of-pocket payments and trying to collect it up front. (Michelle Andrews/Kaiser Health News)

Connected Medical Devices Pose Many Security Risks, but Pacemaker Assassinations Aren't a Big Worry
Connected medical devices do pose security risks, but the nightmare scenario of a hacked pacemaker being used for an assassination is not top-of-mind for the executives in charge of security at major health systems. (Jonah Comstock/Mobi Health News)

U.S. Health Care Tab Hits $3.2T; Fastest Growth in 8 Years
The nation's health care tab grew at the fastest rate in eight years in 2015, driven by the coverage expansion in President Barack Obama's law and by costly prescription drugs, the government said Friday. (Associated Press)

Drivers Beware: Crash Rate Spikes With Every Hour Of Lost Sleep
Traffic safety officials regularly warn us of the risks of driving while drunk or distracted. But Americans still need to wake up to the dangers of getting behind the wheel when sleepy, according to a recent study of crash rates. (Allison Aubrey/NPR Health Shots)